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  • Writer's pictureBobby Aazami

Immediate Steps To Take After A Child's Disclosure Of Sexual Abuse

It may not be possible to protect every child from sexual assault, but when you read comments like the ones from the image above, it gives you an insight as to what you’re up against and it makes you want to try your absolute hardest.

Conversations that empower your children to see their bodies as autonomous are always great measures towards prevention and absolutely necessary for all parents.

If a child you know discloses they've been sexually assaulted, here are a few immediate steps to take which will ensure sure your child is safe from further harm:

1. When a child discloses abuse, always believe them and let them know it’s not their fault.

2. Never blame the child for the abuse. It’s never a child’s responsibility or fault for not being able to protect themselves from sexual assault. The responsibility of protecting children should always be with the parents or the adults looking after the child.

3. Blame for abuse should ALWAYS fall on the abuser.

4. Children who have been the victim of abuse should never be placed anywhere near the vicinity of the abuser. Feeling safe is of paramount importance. If this is not done and the child is constantly subjected in the presence of their attacker or anyone who validates the attacker, their anxiety and trust issues will only heighten.

5. Contact the authorities. Don't try and contact or confront the abuser yourself.

The benefits of educating your children about Body Safety and Body Autonomy are not only beneficial during their childhood, but it will also help them see everyone’s body as a private entity, belonging to no one but that individual person. As they navigate through life understanding this basic fundamental concept of consent, they choose who to share affection with on terms that are healthy and based on mutual respect.

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